This week I'm joined by Phil Rasmussen from Kiwiherb, a Phytomed company brand. Phil is an experienced herbalist with more qualifications than letters in the alphabet. His decade as a pharmacist led him towards the magical world of plants where Phytomed have been making a range of herbal medicines for health practitioners since the late 90's.
We also talk about the export barriers that New Zealand's absence of world class regulations causes and why Phytomed works actively with achieving certifications recognised overseas.
"I've been a huge advocate for better regulations in New Zealand for the natural health product industry, since I got involved more than 25 years ago because you need regulations that are globally recognised, if you want to create a vibrant and lucrative export based industry."
Listen to the story to hear why New Zealand might have an advantage in growing herbs, what Phil learned growing up on the East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand.
Show notes:
01:19 Growing medicinal plants in New Zealand
04:51 The uses and benefits of Kawakawa
10:31 How Phil became interested in medicinal plants
15:12 Barriers to export
18:42 Embracing Regulation
22:29 Biotechnology vs natural health products
27:35 What makes a great herbalist
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