Stellar Library started a decade ago solving the problem of securing board papers for management teams and now the broader enterprise. In this episode I'm joined by Dipti, Mike and Johnny at Stellar Library to talk about custody of information, developing intuitive software and keeping close to customer needs. We also discuss the values that StellarLibrary lives by and advice from the Co-Founder on why NZ Coded software is world class.
Johnny Louie - Stellar Library Co-Founder
Dipti Deesai - Head of Sales
Mike Dunn - Head of Marketing
Board Management software
Enterprise Management software
4 mins 35 secs How StellarLibrary got started a decade ago with Co-Founders Johnny and Brett.
5 mins 15 secs Controlling the custody of your information and why email is too open for publishing sensitive and confidential documents.
8 mins 3 secs The excitement in New Zealand SaaS companies for young employees.
8 mins 25 secs Document for board and governance papers, assisting Iwi with using StellarLibrary and making digital businesses easy.
12 mins 15 secs Ensuring the chain of custody with data and being able to keep granular control.
15 mins 28 secs The three themes of simplicity, robustness and speed of delivery that guides the software development teams.
22 mins 43 secs How pass-through communication between StellarLibrary sales, marketing and the development team keeps the team close to customer needs.
24 mins 15 secs On being a New Zealand based business serving global customers.
27 mins 8 secs How bigger trends play into why the need for information platforms like Stellar are now greater than ever.
30 mins 5 secs The silving lining of bringing people closer together due to Covid.
40 mins 32 secs Finding the right talent to build the business.
47 mins 17 secs Manaakitanga and the caring attitudes to care for the collective StellarLibrary team and customers.
53 mins 37 secs The values of StellarLibrary.
56 mins 21 secs Advice from the CEO on starting a software company and what makes New Zealand software developers world class.
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