Matt Cooke and Daniel Joblin join me from Starex Manufacturing… a company who are experts in children’s furniture. Take a listen to hear why.
5 mins 1 secs The origin story of Starex.
7 mins 11 secs What Starex manufacturers.
12 mins 04 secs Why early childhood centres buy from Starex.
14 mins 38 secs Daniel on why furniture design matters for young kids 2 to 5 years old.
17 mins 55 secs Lean engineering on the classic chair and how it improves the aesthetics.
20 mins 4 secs Why furniture also matters to attract parents and children to your environment.
23 mins 46 secs Genius are created from the experiences in life so why don’t we give them great furniture and design from a young age.
28 mins 57 secs Early Childhood Centres new cleaning regime and why Starex stands up to the enhanced cleaning practices.
30 mins 23 secs The move to sustainability a few years ago.
35 mins 36 secs The contribution Melissa Cookes makes to Starex.
38 mins 29 secs How customers purchase from Starex via online and the business development team entirely finished space design solutions.
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