Sri shares what her experience has been like opening up export markets in India and the Middle East, we talk about how Zealandia is going going beyond Manuka honey using research led innovation to create new products and what it feel likes as to bring her vision to life with business co-founders Sunil and Robin.
Zealandia Honey Shop
3 mins 8 secs The Zealandia Honey origin story and how Sunil, Robin and Sri got started in a research laboratory growing into the market they know, India.
7 mins 37 secs Going beyond UMF and MGO ratings with research led innovation that goes beyond standard manuka honey in a jar.
9 mins 27 secs Zealandia Honey MGO 17+ The worlds highest Manuka honey.
10 mins 11 secs The initial market reaction in India with a product 15x the price.
12 mins 38 secs Being based in the Middle East to open up new business relationships and partnering with big retailers.
16 mins 43 secs Why Zealandia Honey came to getting the New Zealand Made Kiwi trademark a little later than they would have hoped.
19 mins 47 secs Where the Zealandia name comes from.
21 mins 21 secs Market knowledge on how honey can be used in recipes, why you should heat the honey and how chef's are using it.
24 mins 28 secs Zealandia world headquarters... in Taupo.
27 mins 10 secs Sri's aspirations to become a Kiwi entrepreneur now realised.
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