A Kiwi Original
A Kiwi Original
A Kiwi Original - Clint Bolderston | Superior Chunky 033

A Kiwi Original - Clint Bolderston | Superior Chunky 033

Clint Bolderston shares what it takes to get delicious dog treats and food to discerning doggo's throughout New Zealand. If you want your product on supermarket shelves, this episode is a must listen.

2 mins 12 secs What dogs want to eat and what the science says.

4 mins 26 secs The inception of Wairarapa Farm meat in 1973 and New Zealand’s first cooked dog roll.

6 mins 16 secs Cracking the grocery code to get ranged on supermarket shelves.

8 mins 57 secs The product lifecycle and why most products have a lifecycle from uptake through to decline.

11 mins 40 secs Conservation and taking the pests out of the bush for meat recovery while providing work in trapping and hunting.

14 mins 44 secs Getting the products to market through demo’s, pet shows, events and getting the product into people’s hands to give to their dogs to ‘try before they buy’.

19 mins 57 secs Getting into the dog roll business. How Clint got started.

24 mins 11 secs Relocating a factory.

27 mins 10 secs Getting the packaging right and incorporating the ‘natural’ and ‘New Zealand Made’ attributes.

31 mins 3 secs Growing the domestic base alongside exporting to the United States. The challenges of refrigerated travel for dog roll, the focus on dried dog treat and the opportunities of private label export work.


Superior Chunky

A Kiwi Original
A Kiwi Original
Listen to uniquely Kiwi business stories contributing to New Zealand's future. Hosted by Ryan Jennings - Buy New Zealand Made Chief Executive.