Barry Hantz is part of a multi-generational honey empire based in South Canterbury. In this episode we talk about the changes the honey industry is going through, how the health of bees is being prioritised, what it's like to work in the honey industry AND what it takes to become a confident beekeeper.
2 mins 53 secs Running a multi-generational honey business.
6 mins 12 secs How farming practices have changed the honey hive industry in South Canterbury.
10 mins 12 secs The health of bees.
13 mins 21 secs The Trees For Bees Project that is keeping bees happy.
15 mins 7 secs Breeding queen bees.
19 mins 45 secs The working week at Hantz Honey.
21 mins 19 secs Getting into Mānuka honey as Clover Honey bulk price has fallen to cost of production.
25 mins 41 secs The taste difference in honey produced in the South island vs the North island.
28 mins 2 secs The exporting story.
32 mins 28 secs NZ Made honey vs honey produced overseas.
35 mins 22 secs Balancing peak season with low season.
40 mins 39 secs What it takes to become a confident beekeeper.
Hantz Honey
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